Kintsugi Link

At Kintsugi Link, our goal is to carefully restore items using genuine lacquer and natural materials that contribute to a sustainable environment. We repair and revitalize items by adding new charm through the traditional technique of kintsugi, a time-consuming but sophisticated and beautiful technique.
We hope that many people will learn about and enjoy with us the charm of natural kintsugi, a technique that is completely safe for use as tableware and fits well with modern lifestyles and uses.
Kintsugi Link Yumi Tsubota
- Born in Nara Prefecture, lives in Tokyo
- After graduating from Osaka University of Foreign Studies (currently Osaka University) with a degree in Italian language, Bunka Fashion College graduated from the clothing design.
- After working as an MD planner and designer, worked as a fashion director and clothing, food and housing lifestyle director at the department store lifestyle research department.
- Studied basic of kintsugi under a restorer, studied lacquer and maki-e work under lacquer artist and master of traditional craft, Hisaya Tsukiji.
- I fell in love with the mysterious charm of lacquer, and has been hosting KINTSUGI LINK since 2019.
- From 2022, I have the Kintsugi course at Kotolabo experience studio operated by the Orange Page .
What I think now
I have been blessed with many years of opportunities to travel around the world with buyers, such as Paris and Milan collections, and Maison de Objet and Milano Salone etc.
From that experience, I believe that it is very important to choose a method and finish that suits your lifestyle and purpose for Kintsugi. For example, the white tableware that you use every day should be durable and simple enough to make the food stand out, and the lid of the pot should close without any gaps. Considering usability and usage, I would like to make the most of the original charm of the texture, color, and shape of the vessel, and make it even more attractive.
I feel that thinking about lifestyles and the world of handicrafts are both my life's works because they are very attractive to me.